If you’re a business and making the switch to a paperless office in 2019, then you’ll know how much space paperwork takes up. It can end up scattered around your workplace filling up valuable space which could be used for more productive purposes.
Even if you’re not planning on becoming paperless, it’s not always as simple as destroying your valuable records as some paperwork is required for audit purposes, for example, TAX or VAT records.
However, this doesn’t mean it has to take up all your office space. Instead, you could choose to use our document storage service. Whether it’s just one box, containing everything, to a room fitted out with racking, we can tailor the service and the space to meet your needs.
With individually-alarmed rooms and full CCTV coverage, you can rest assured that your important documents are well looked after with our document storage service.
Your unique pin code allows you to access your clean, dry, safe, secure and light storage room up to 24 hours a day. This makes things easy and convenient when you need to find a document.
If you have a large number of boxes to put in a document storage room then our free collection service could save you £s. If you bring the boxes in yourself, there are trolleys and trucks available to use free of charge. We can even supply the archive boxes if you need them.
Contact our Bolton or Denton centre to enquire about a price for your requirements.
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