It’s that time of year again where our houses become filled with family and friends. The Christmas decorations come out taking up more space and don’t even get us started on the space that the presents take up. It can all get very overwhelming.
That’s where we can help! As the Storage Bolton suppliers you might think we would only know about storage units, but we know a thing or two about de-cluttering too! Whether it is de-cluttering your storage unit or if it is de-cluttering your home; We have the space and the tips for you.
Make a list
Easy as that! Well sort off… We say start off with making a list of rooms that need to be done. It’ll give you an idea of how much you actually need to be de-cluttering and so you’ll know how much space you might need. You can then do the rooms in order of which needs it the most, this way there is order in your brain and it wont feel like nothing is getting done.
Throw away items
If you have an item that hasn’t been used for over six months, nine times out of ten you can guarantee that you will probably never use it again. The choice is to throw things like this away or if you can’t bear to part ways place your items in a storage unit. If it’s the storage unit you’re de-cluttering then it may be time to let go… it’s hard we know!
Ask yourself…
When you look at an object, stop and ask yourself ‘If I was in a shop would I buy this?’ This method is a great way to figure out whether you a keeping an item because you just can’t seem to throw it away or if you are keeping it because you genuinely need and like it!
You heard us right! Give your item as a gift to someone else. We’re not talking about that sock that lost its missing partner though! We’re talking about ornaments, books, DVDs, CDs and other items that clutter your house but other people will find a treasure! That way you don’t feel like your throwing it away. You’re giving it a new lease of life!
If your looking to de-clutter but not permanently get rid of you items then our Domestic Storage Bolton units might just be what you’re looking for! Get in touch with us on our Contact Us page.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any tips we would love you to share them with us!
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